Andrology & Urology Centre in Bangalore | Dr. Praveen Joshi

Tel: 080 - 42070577, +918197371247

Male Sexual Health

Male infertility means a male's inability to cause pregnancy in a fertile female. Approximately 15% of couples are unable to conceive after one year of unprotected intercourse. A male factor is solely responsible in about 20% of infertile couples and contributory in another 30-40%.


Male factors contributing to infertility

  • Oligo, Astheno, Teratozoospermia
  • High DNA Fragmentation Index
  • Poor acrosomal capacitation
  • Unexplained
  • Azoospermia
  • Erectile dysfunction
  • Anejaculation and Retrograde ejaculation

Correction of the problems

  • Hormonal balancing
  • Varicocele ligation
  • Antioxidants
  • Surgical sperm retrieval
  • Correction of erectile and ejaculatory disturbances

It is important that the problem is diagnosed early-on to ensure appropriate intervention, and treatment mechanisms.

A normal erection relies on a combination of psychogenic, hormonal, neurological, and vascular factors.

Erectile dysfunction = Endothelial dysfunction.

Penile Erection requires:

  • Neural transmission of pro-erectile impulses
  • Intact arterial blood flow supply
  • Functional erectile tissue in the corpus cavernosum

Erectile Dysfunction is Multi factorial

Erectile Dysfunction is Multi factorial

To address all issues and concerns related to Erectile Dysfunction, book an appointment with Dr. Joshi’s at the earliest.

Erectile dysfunction is defined as the inability to achieve and/or maintain a penile erection sufficient for satisfactory sexual activity.

Erectile dysfunction = Endothelial dysfunction.


Global Prevalence

The reluctance of many men to admit to suffering from erection problems causes difficulties in determining its prevalence. However, stats indicate:

  • Worldwide prevalence of ED is between 10% and 20%, and it is strongly correlated with aging
  • Among younger men, 8% of 20- to 29-year-olds and 11% of men ages 30-39 experience ED
  • Approximately 52% of men ages 40-70 experience ED
  • 71% of men over 70 experience ED
  • Estimated prevalence for 2025 = 300M men worldwide

Erectile Dysfunction is Multi factorial

The common Erectile Dysfunction is not common

A commonly prevalent condition Erectile Dysfunction, described as the inability to have and maintain an erection firm enough for sexual intercourse at least 80 percent of the time.

For men especially in the age group of 30s & 50s, the Erectile Dysfunction can be a symptom of a cardio-vascular disease. A new diagnosis of Erectile Dysfunction indicates that the risk of a stroke, heart attack, or any other kind of cardiac event may be high.

The diagnosis, identification, timely treatment and rectification is critical for normal sexual intercourse, procreation as well as general health, as the case may be. The line of treatment ranges from pills, hormonal medication, injections to surgery and implants.

To know more and address on priority,

Call 080 - 42070577, +918197371247 to book an appointment now.

You can also visit:

Do NOT ignore or shy away from the common Erectile Dysfunction. It may be an indicator of a deeper problem.

A commonly prevalent condition Erectile Dysfunction, described as the inability to have and maintain an erection firm enough for sexual intercourse at least 80 percent of the time.

For men especially in the age group of 30s & 50s, the Erectile Dysfunction can be a symptom of a cardio-vascular disease. A new diagnosis of Erectile Dysfunction indicates that the risk of a stroke, heart attack, or any other kind of cardiac event may be high.

The diagnosis, identification, timely treatment and rectification is critical for normal sexual intercourse, procreation as well as general health, as the case may be. The line of treatment ranges from pills, hormonal medication, injections to surgery and implants.

To know more and address on priority,

Call 080 - 42070577, +918197371247 to book an appointment now.

You can also visit:

The common Erectile Dysfunction is not common

A commonly prevalent condition Erectile Dysfunction, described as the inability to have and maintain an erection firm enough for sexual intercourse at least 80 percent of the time.

For men especially in the age group of 30s & 50s, the Erectile Dysfunction can be a symptom of a cardio-vascular disease. A new diagnosis of Erectile Dysfunction indicates that the risk of a stroke, heart attack, or any other kind of cardiac event may be high.

The diagnosis, identification, timely treatment and rectification is critical for normal sexual intercourse, procreation as well as general health, as the case may be. The line of treatment ranges from pills, hormonal medication, injections to surgery and implants.

To know more and address on priority,

Call 080 - 42070577, +918197371247 to book an appointment now.

You can also visit:

There are several and diverse reasons for Erectile Dysfunction. Medical investigations and research studies over the years indicate both physical and mental health issues as responsible. Physical issues like heart disease, high cholesterol, high blood pressure, diabetes, obesity, and smoking can all cause erectile dysfunction. On the other hand, depression, anxieties, stress, relationship problems, and other mental health concerns can also interfere with sexual feelings.


Diseases that commonly cause ED include:

Vascular disease: These affect blood vessels and account for 70% of physical-related causes of ED, restrict blood flow to the heart, the brain, and--in the case of ED--to the penis.


Diabetes: Diabetes can cause nerve and artery damage that can make achieving an erection difficult. Between 35% and 50% of men with diabetes experience ED.


Kidney disease: These cause chemical changes that affect hormones, circulation, nerve function, and energy level. These changes can lower libido (sex drive) or sexual ability. Drugs used to treat kidney disease may also cause ED.


Neurological (nerve and brain) diseases: The nervous system plays a vital part in achieving and maintaining an erection. It is common for men with conditions such as stroke, multiple sclerosis (MS), Alzheimer's disease, Parkinson's disease, and spinal cord injuries to experience ED. This is due to an interruption in the transmission of nerve impulses between the brain and the penis.


Prostate cancer: Prostate cancer doesn't cause ED on its own, but treatment for prostate cancer can lead to erectile problems.


To learn more and address Erectile Dysfunction,

Call 080 - 42070577, +918197371247 to book an appointment now.

You can also visit:

Address Erectile Dysfunction at the earliest!

Do you suffer from Erectile dysfunction?

Males with ED may feel the penis returning to a flaccid state before they have ejaculated or can complete intercourse with a partner. A person with ED may also: be unable to achieve an erection at any time. be able to achieve an erection that does not last long enough for sex.


Erectile dysfunction symptoms might include persistent:

  • Trouble getting an erection
  • Trouble keeping an erection
  • Reduced sexual desire

Effects: Erectile dysfunction should not be considered a minor issue and certainly, should not be ignored. If it persists, however, it can cause stress, affect your self-confidence and contribute to relationship problems.

Treatment and Remedy: ED is very common and can usually be reversed by using natural remedies or medications to treat the underlying cause. Early intervention can often detect a serious medical condition, and determining the cause of ED early may increase the likelihood of reversing it. Problems getting or keeping an erection can also be a sign of an underlying health condition that needs treatment and a risk factor for heart disease.

To address the issue, To book an appointment, please call:

Call: 080 - 42070577, +91 8197371247

You can also visit: Erectile dysfunction treatment

Kidney Stones, also called nephrolith or renal calculi, is amongst the most common health condition associated with the urinary system.

If you have suddenly or recently developed lower back pain, nausea and/or vomiting with the pain, blood in your urine & while urinating, compulsion to urinate frequently and fever combined with chill attacks, chances are that you are having kidney stones. In particular, a fever with a kidney stone or a urinary tract infection (UTI) with a kidney stone are surgical emergencies.

Kidney stones are hard collections of salt and minerals often made up of calcium or uric acid. They form inside the kidney and can travel to other parts of the urinary tract. Stones vary in size, while some are as small as a dot, or a fraction of an inch, others grow to be a few inches across and can also fill up the entire kidney.

A kidney stone forms when too much of certain minerals in your body accumulate in your urine. Lack of adequate hydration in the body is a most common reason for the formation of stones. The urine becomes more concentrated with higher levels of certain minerals.

To read more, visit:

To book an appointment, please call:

Call: 080 - 42070577, +91 8197371247

Are you suffering from Stress Urinary Incontinence, leading to embarrassment, loss of confidence and helplessness?

Urinary Incontinence is a common and increasing occurrence especially in the age group of 35 & 65. Also called Stress Urinary Incontinence (SUI, this is a condition when urine leaks out with sudden pressure on the bladder and urethra, causing the sphincter muscles to open briefly. There are high chances that one may isolate, limit work, social life, also avoid physical and leisure activities.

Symptoms include leaking urine when one coughs, sneezes, bends over, lifts something heavy, and exercise. An urge to repeatedly relieve oneself also is a symptom to watch out for!


How to address Stress Urinary Incontinence?

A UROLOGY EXPERT will be the best resource to address the problem. If diagnosed early, the condition can be completely reversed to normalcy. Remedies may include medication and treatment. Suggested therapy includes & pelvic floor muscles, fluid consumption, healthy lifestyle, yoga and breathing techniques for relaxation, bladder training and more.

Dr Joshi's Urology and Andrology Centre has UROLOGY specialists who can address the issue, with expertise and care. You can be rest assured of a seamless experience from diagnosis to treatment.

Book an appointment and seek expert advice.

Call: 080 - 42070577, +91 8197371247


Male reconstructive surgery is a procedure in which urologists reconstruct or rebuild a penis and surrounding structures. This procedure is also called male genitourinary reconstruction or penile reconstruction.



Male reconstructive urology (also called male genitourinary reconstruction) can be used to treat physical abnormalities, repair trauma related to major surgery or accidents, or manage certain bladder control problems like incontinence and OAB. The surgery also restores the ability to urinate or engage in sexual activity in individuals who experience trauma, injury, or illness. The surgery aims to restore the groin area to a functional state with normal appearance.


Reasons can be broadly categorized as:

  • External Trauma
  • Urethral Structures
  • Prostatectomy Complications
  • Incontinence
  • Enlarged Prostate
  • Gender Affirmation

With increasing proficiency and expertise, technology like Robotics and applied innovation, the success rate is high, assuring patients of normalcy. It also results in increased self-confidence, enhanced mental health, improved physical health and appearance.

Most Men are shy to express their health issues, even with their family members. Owing to this, health conditions will only deteriorate and result in further complications.

Early detection and medical intervention would help to resolve health conditions, resulting in good quality of sexual life.

It's ideal to consult a medical professional(Andrologist) in this domain at the early stage of detection.

General male fertility and sperm counts are declining globally, studies indicate. Over the last few decades, the fertility rates amongst men has declined by 50%.

One of the rising causes of male infertility is the reduction in sperm production. Several factors including air pollution, extensive use and exposure to insecticides, pesticides and harmful chemicals, use and exposure to heavy metals are amongst key imperatives for the deterioration.

It is established that adverse environmental factors have a significant and detrimental impact on male fertility. Certain industrial chemicals, environmental pollutants and radiation are known to contribute to or cause infertility. Lead poisoning, for example, has long been associated with infertility in both men and women.

Potential causes of this male fertility crisis include exposure to environmental endocrine disrupting chemicals (e.g., plasticizers, bisphenol A, and phthalates), rising rates of obesity, and the trend of delayed parenthood. Other causes include tobacco and alcohol consumption, illicit drugs, being exposed to toxins and more.

This condition can be addressed though medical intervention, changes to lifestyle, and mental-physical wellbeing. To know more, please book an appointment